Peaches and nectarines provide good sources of carotenes, potassium, flavonoids, and natural sugars. They are also good sources of lycopene, zeaxanthin, and lutein. These phytochemicals are especially beneficial in the prevention of heart disease, macular degeneration, and cancer. Lutein gives the red, orange, and yellow colors to fruits and vegetables. These substances have demonstrated the ability to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors. 

Peaches are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids. The fiber in peaches acts as a gentle laxative, aids digestion, and may also help to combat cancer. The fruit is rich in cancer-fighting vitamin A in the form of beta carotene, as well as the immune-boosting vitamin C, which also protects against heart disease. The iron and potassium content of peaches help with the proper functioning of cells and nerve signal transmission.

Like most fruits, most of the vitamins are found in the skin, so be sure to enjoy peaches with their fuzzy skin and all, but avoid the pit-peach. Pits contain cyanide, a toxic substance, and ingestion of large quantities can be fatal. 

Knocking out high blood pressure
Peaches can also help to knock out high blood pressure. Certain components of the peach as well as the vitamins and minerals included can lower your blood pressure in a safe fashion. So there is more to the saying “eat a peach a day and keep the doctor away”.

Kidney and bladder stones
When it comes to these painful and sometimes debilitating problems, eating peaches can help reduce the formation of these types of stones. An added bonus is that it can also deal with issues of alkalinity in the body and bring the body back to a more alkaline state. So no matter which way that you look at it, eating peaches is very healthy for you and a great part of any balanced diet.

Improve Vision
As we know that peaches can provide many health benefits, beta-carotene an isomer of carotene that is found in dark green and dark yellow vegetables and fruits and it is converted in vitamin a in the body, is also present in peaches and it helps in maintaining the body function and also for eye sight, and can cure abnormality of eye.

Good for Skin Because They Contain Vitamin C
Peaches are very good for making the skin healthy as it contains vitamin c which is considered as an important vitamin for the skin and also it is anti oxidants which help to cure cancer by fighting against white blood cells. You should take vitamin c regularly in your diet if you want to have a healthy looking skin.

Helpful in Cancer Prevention
Peaches can cure many diseases and most importantly the cancer and heart problems as we know that it contains beta-carotene that gives color to peaches and also it contains lycopene and lutein that can prevent from loss of sharp vision.

Role in Abdominal Disorders
Peaches also contain fibers which is important for the body function as is collects the water and increase the stool. This will help in elimination of waste from the body and also body can be protected from colon cancer, by this process the intestine is cleaned and also the poisonous materials can be removed and your body then can acquire nutrients. The cholesterol level can also be reduced though the un-dissolved fibers in the body.

Weight control
Regular intake of one large peach can help you to lose weight. One peach contains only 68 calories surprisingly with no fat. Peach, however, is an ideal diet for dieters.

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